Achieve Your

More is possible! From growing up in a small midwestern town to speaking over 3000 times across the country, R.C. Amer has always believed that more is possible. More happiness. More success. More growth. More peace of mind. The carpenter from Galilee said, “I will give you life and more abundant life.” That abundant life is what R.C. Amer desires to communicate to everyone.

His business career has spanned over three decades and included broadcasting, wholesale and retail businesses, as well as digital and social media marketing. He has trained hundreds of sales people as well as mentored hundreds of business owners. R.C. has spoken to thousands of audiences in his lifetime, communicating hope and Biblical truths that are illustrated through his life story.

Not only does he have experience speaking to audiences, he also has extensive experience in starting and growing companies. R.C. has started 9 businesses in his career and intertwines his story of hope, faith, and hard work in everything he does. He and his wife sold everything they had to raise $5,000 dollars and turned it into a major media company. R.C. believes that there is always a key to a breakthrough in your life or business. He has dedicated his life to helping others achieve the breakthrough that they need.

A Greater Purpose

R.C. Amer is the founder of DREAM NETWORK, a non-profit division of International Vision, Inc., to help children achieve their dreams. Many children today are living lives of hopelessness and desperation.

Children are God’s gift to humanity. Each one deserves the opportunity to fulfill His plan for their life. Dream Network desires to instill hope for a brighter future. Through the Dream Network, we plant hope in the hearts of young lives that they may fulfill their God-ordained future.

Some people just talk. Others act. R. C. Amer is an action person.

If you are seeking wisdom and counsel, he is a great source.
He has much experience as an entrepreneur and a successful businessman. He is a man of integrity. His views come from a Truth perspective.
His compassion is shown in real life through his love for his family and also the Dream Network.

David Clouse

Clouse Motor Company
RC’s professional advice helped me save thousands of dollars, and gave me the encouragement I needed to take my business to the next level.

Jeff Reynolds

Realtor, Keller Williams Tri-Lakes 
I’ve known and done business with R.C. Amer for 25 years. He is a man of integrity. Also quite innovative and energetic. Every time I speak with him, I come away optimistic and enthused about whatever I’m working on, and I always seem to pick up an idea that helps me right away.

Mark Harrington

President, Old Missouri Bank

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing R.C. for over 40 years.  In that time, I have watched him speak, work for companies, start companies, buy companies and operate companies. The great thing about seeing business from so many vantage points is that you learn a lot about what makes business work. Whether it’s sales, profits or needing a ’new idea’, R.C. has learned the secrets to make things happen.

Bill Perkin

Perkin Marketing, LLC

I’ve known RC Amer for almost 20 years. Every time I meet with him, I’m challenged to be better, grow and to never stop. He’s a huge thinker, understands the entrepreneurial mindset like no other. RC is an entrepreneur’s friend. He has an uncanny ability to dig deep, ask questions, explore and think with leaders in ways that bring out the very best in those to whom he’s interacting. If you Google, “never stop dreaming”, you’ll see the picture of RC Amer. This man has an uncanny ability to interact and challenge any entrepreneur and business owner to levels they never imagined possible.

Dick Hardy

The Hardy Group

RC is a proven business leader that has applied his successes to make his businesses flourish. I know RC can apply and share those experiences to assist you in your success.

Dan Robb

President/CEO, Jonesburg State Bank

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